How To Install Plugy

There is no need for modern computer to play this modification, but if you want 99% success in programs & games installation, make sure that your Windows is clean, up to date and free from viruses.

Step by step:

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Only one thing that you must worry about is version of your Diablo II: LoD — it must be 1.12a. You can install Diablo II and the LoD addon from you old CD's and apply a patch, or get digital copy from the internet. Beware of the client's modern autoupdate technology!

Median XL Ultimative

After the client installation process, all subsequent steps should seem like a breeze. In this case all that you need is download Median XL Ultimative and extract «patch_d2.mpq» from .rar archive to the Diablo II folder (answer Yes about replacing):

Well been playing Diablo 2 single player for the last couple of days. Just been using stock plugy mod. I'm level 85 from just farming Countess, Andariel and Mephisto, the drop rate is just not made for single player. PlugY is a mod whose primary purpose is to increase the stash size for Diablo II characters. Over the years it has grown to include numerous other useful functions, such as enabling Ladder Only Rune Words outside of the Ladder, enabling the Uber quests outside of and various other small tweaks and additions. PlugY is not a conversion of the original Diablo, and it doesn't.


D2MultiRes is a .dll that allow you to play in your native (or other) display resolution. It is not only about the graphics, it is also about field of view and smooth mouse movement. Just try it by putting all files from archive to your Diablo II folder:


PlugY just a small program that have big powers. It extends your inventory and Cube, make you stash near-infinity big and available for all of your characters. You will not able to play without PlugY after trying, so unpack it to your game folder:

Final preparations

How To Install Plugy Diablo 2 1.14

HowPlugy diablo 2How

Last, but most important things that you must do is:

  • [Only for Windows Vista and newer] In the Properties menu of D2VidTst.exe and PlugY.exe (they in game folder) set compability mode to Windows XP Service Pack 2:
  • Launch D2VidTst.exe, wait when it tests your system and choose DirectDraw 2D Mode.
  • Open PlugY.ini and change some values:
  • Optionally you can change AlwaysDisplayLifeAndManaValues to 1 and...

How To Install Plugy Mod

That's all, you are ready to play the game! Launch PlugY.exe and beware ;)

Common problems


If you encounter any problems the first thing you must do — check, that you follow this guide correctly and not miss something. After that, check our list of known problems:

  • In any ambiguous situation Launch everything with Administrator's rights.
  • Unhandled Exception: Access Violation (0xc0000005) — this is very common error when you are use D2MultiRes. You can try many things to solve this error, including: check, that you follow the guide again, system restart (yes, it really can help), disk and RAM error checking, driver update, disable DEP, allocate more memory to pagefile, reinstall Windows...
  • After selection of new display resolution, your screen may turn black. If you encounter this, you must delete D2MultiRes registry entry — HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBlizzard EntertainmentDiablo IID2RMRes

Feel free to comment (no registration required) using form below if you facing with unlisted problems, or just want to talk about this great modification. ;)



  • Official Median XL Ultimative website —
  • PlugY website —
  • Download 1.12a patch —!j5djkBzI!3verQPl8shJq6edq2ko1VbLGmwXMD5aTuUPv-JtVplM
  • Download Median XL —
  • Download D2MultiRes —!bkUj3LjL!8vaQVR4A2F6vEhKT49m472XUKaM2h9FmJuiyypOHO64
  • Download PlugY —!ygdAGbZT!izma6ohctXYd6LA4lNWB23y3NX-DYhhPdXZoiqxo7c8

How To Install Plugy Diablo 2 2020

  • Documentation page —