How To Get Blargsnes 3ds


  1. How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Controller
  2. How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Ds
  3. How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Rom
Version1.3b (unofficial)
CIA information
Unique IDUnknown
1.3 / 1.3b
Version 1.3 downloadable via DownloadMii

Place the border image at the root of your 3DS's SD card, under the name blargSnesBorder.bmp. How to make a custom border Your border image needs to be exactly 400x240. You can use the border template below to help yourself: The green portion can be drawn to freely. This also effects Browserhax. BlargSNES works fine in other exploits. When you start it and try to load a ROM it freezes. Everything else I've tried works fine. Applications are installed by copying the necessary files directly to the 3ds/ folder in the root of the SD card (preferred for new designs), or in a subdirectory of 3ds/, in which case said subfolder must be named identically to its executable.Most applications come with two files: appname.3dsx: The executable. appname.smdh: The icon/metadata.

blargSnes is a Super Nintendo emulator for 3DS.

  • 1Usage
  • 2Features
  • 3Changelog



If you need help to install this homebrew on your console, read how to launch 3DS homebrew.

On the 3DS's SD card (not the Gateway MicroSD), create a folder named 'snes' and put your SNES ROMs in there.

In the same folder, you can also place savegames. They must have the same name as their corresponding ROM, and have a .srm extension.

With that done, start blargSnes, and you see a ROM selection menu. Select your ROM and press A (or B). See what happens.

Compatibility list


  • Pause: Touch screen
  • Resume pause: Touch screen or A

While in pause:

  • Change game: Select
  • Settings: Start
  • Screenshot: L+R (saved to your SD card in .bmp format).
  • Exit: Select, then press the [X] on the touch screen.


  • Hardware renderer: this enables the hardware-accelerated renderer. It is faster than the software renderer but also less accurate in some cases.
  • Scaling: provides some scaling modes for the video output.


Custom borders

You can change the border picture on the top screen by placing a 400x240px 24bit bitmaps picture named blargSnesBorder.bmp on the root of your 3DS SD card.

blargSNES custom border repository and layout example.

Custom border submission thread at GBAtemp.


Supported features

  • Software and hardware renderers
  • PPU modes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
  • BGs with 8x8 and 16x16 tiles, sprites
  • color math (blending), brightness, windows
  • DMA (with faster paths for VRAM/CGRAM/OAM), HDMA
  • SPC700
  • Sound (when possible)
  • SRAM with auto-saving
  • Joypad for player 1 (circle pad also works)
  • Catgirls


Also note that sleep mode (closing your 3DS) and the Home button don't work when using The Homebrew Launcher/Ninjhax homebrew method.

Sound (3DS)
Sound (N3DS)
Sleep mode
Home button

Future features

  • Sound using the 3DS DSP
  • Expansion chips. Star Fox in 3D, anyone?
  • Maybe further hardware acceleration in the PPU department


How To Get Blargsnes 3ds


Release date 2015-01-18 Download

  • Usage of geometry shaders and other speedups to rendering
  • Hardware renderer: offset-per-tile, hi-res modes, and more fixes by DiscostewSM
  • Much better sound quality, support for noise, echo and pitch modulation (thanks DiscostewSM again)
  • Two added scaling modes: 4:3 and cropped 4:3
  • Better open-bus emulation, and ability to execute code in open-bus regions (fixes Home Alone)
  • Overall more accurate timings, IRQ fixes, etc
  • ROM selector is no longer locked to the /snes folder
  • The usual forgotten novelties, surprise


Release date 2014-11-30 Download

  • Brand new hardware-accelerated renderer
  • Scaling support
  • Exit button (mainly for use with the Homebrew Launcher)
  • Emulation fixes (namely, huge 'next EXP' in Earthbound is fixed)
  • Support for the 256x239 mode
  • Proper PAL support (actually uses PAL timings)
  • Tries to prevent GPU freezes
  • Synchronous SPC700 (fixes issues but also causes a little slowdown)
  • As usual, more crap I forgot about. Hah.


How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Controller

Unofficial release.


Release date 2014-10-12 Download

How To Get Blargsnes 3ds
  • No more garbled/blank screens or freezes when pressing Home or closing/reopening the 3DS or playing with the 3D slider
  • Ability to run a new game without restarting blargSnes
  • Screenshot function
  • Support for external borders
  • Support for backgrounds with 16x16 tiles. Super Bomberman games are finally playable.
  • Brightness, color math (blending) and windows added. Many games look nicer this way.
  • Several PPU speedups
  • Speedhacking disabled (it was error-prone, not that efficient, and broke HDMA)
  • Replaced forced 1/2 frameskip with automatic frameskipper (isn't perfect, though)
  • More stable display (although tearing still occurs when frameskipping), VSync
  • More things I forgot about. Surprise!


  • initial release Download


  • 3dbrew and all the people who made 3DS homebrew possible
  • anyone who helped make lolSnes work
  • Bond697 and Normmatt for how to use the 3DS syscore
  • smealum for ctrulib and for paving the way to the PICA200
  • if you feel I forgot your name here, let me know


See discussion thread.

Custom borders
Click on the border images to download them.
This needs to be updated to allow automatic submissions. In the meantime, you can check out the border submission thread at GBAtemp for more borders.

How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Ds

How To Get Blargsnes 3ds

How To Get Blargsnes 3ds Rom

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How to use a custom border
Place the border image at the root of your 3DS's SD card, under the name blargSnesBorder.bmp.
How to make a custom border
Your border image needs to be exactly 400x240. You can use the border template below to help yourself:
How The green portion can be drawn to freely. The red portion is occupied by the SNES video output, anything drawn there will not be visible. The orange portion will be visible but shouldn't contain significant details. This is because the SNES can have a resolution of 256x239 instead of 256x224 in PAL mode. A resolution of 256x239 would end up covering the orange portion of the border image.
The image should be saved as a 24-bit bitmap file.
If blargSNES ignores a custom border file (shows the default border), it means that either the image doesn't have a resolution of 400x240, or it doesn't have the proper bit-depth, or it was saved in some weird format.